Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The problem with Leggings

It is brought to my attention from being a full time high school student that, many girls cannot properly wear leggings...... they're made to be covering your legs, cue to the name LEGgings. YET most girl (from my personal experience and thoughts) girls wear them as pants... THEY'RE NOT PANTS. i actually find it so trashy, like girl will literally wear a crop top, leggings that they've folded down then pulled up (making your ass more noticeable) then continue wearing either uggs or toms. can i say for the record that i live in Canada, and this winter has been quite cold (at least -5C everyday) and these girls are wearing leggings as pants, which were originally made for underneath pants or skirts or a thinker tight with cut-offs at the ankles.
NOW to properly wear leggings please read the following:

1. wear leggings underneath snow pants, or loose fitted pants to keep you warm
2. underneath a skirt
3. a long shirt that COVERS your butt, then instead of wearing textured pants, wear plain leggings
4. as pj's
5. as comfy clothes

these should be the only exceptions to wear leggings, and #'s 1,2 and 3 should be the only exceptions on wearing leggings outside of your house.

please girls, please.

I'm sorry if this sounded like a rant, just wanted to vent on how leggings should be properly worn.

-court xoxo

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